Available courses
Transport of Dangerous Goods on Offshore Support VesselsMore information
Transporte Aéreo de Mercadorias Perigosas - Operações Offshore de HelicópteroMore information
Transporte de Mercadorias Perigosas em Embarcações de Apoio OffshoreMore information

Transporte de Mercadorias Perigosas em Embarcações de Apoio Offshore

One of the requirements in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods code relate to the training for shore-side staff involved with dangerous goods. This training is mandatory and may be audited by the competent authority. Persons which didn't receive trained may only operate under the direct supervision of a trained person.

Shore-side staff also includes offshore based personnel such as roustabouts, crane operators, materials co-ordinators and other persons involved in:

  • packing of dangerous goods;
  • marking and labelling of packages, containers and tanks;
  • packing of containers;
  • unloading and loading of vessels; and
  • the preparation of dangerous goods documents.

In addition to the existing Internet based training “Dangerous Goods by Air – Offshore Helicopter Operations“, SCS Training & Consultancy developed an Internet based E-learning for the transport of dangerous goods on offshore support vessels. This training complies with Part 1, Chapter 1.3 of the IMDG code and is available in English, Dutch and Portuguese.

Course Objective
The objective of this course is to train relevant staff in the understanding and application of the provisions of the IMDG code, so they are able to safely and efficiently perform their role in the transport of dangerous goods by sea on Offshore Support Vessels.

Course contents
As required by the IMDG code, the training program addresses the following categories:

  • General awareness training;
  • Function specific training (e.g. loading and placarding of containers); and
  • Safety training.

Course program
The training comprises 11 modules, covering the following subjects:





General introduction


Introduction to dangerous goods




Dangerous Goods List




Testing of packages and tanks


Marking and labelling 




Stowage and segregation


Use of containers


Emergency procedures 

Each module is completed with a test, which contains multiple choices, true or false, drag and drop or other type of questions. The test score is saved in the students test result bank. Wrongly answered questions may be repeated, but will not be taken into account for the test result. If the test result for a particular module is not sufficient, the module will be repeated and a new test will be issued. In this case, the result for the second test will be taken into account for the total test result.

Upon completing the course and obtaining a positive overall test result, a certificate will be issued and send by e-mail to the training administrator of the company. This certificate has a validity of 2 years.

For more information on this training or to order logins, please contact:

SCS Training & Consultancy BV

E-mail: elearning@specialcargo.nl

Vervoer Gevaarlijke Stoffen met Offshore Support SchepenMore information